Dr. Porjan
ชื่อ : ดร.พอจันทร์
นามสกุล : ตุฏฐิพงษ์สวัสดิ์
ตำแหน่ง : ผู้ช่วยคณบดีฝ่ายประสบการณ์วิชาชีพด้านวิศวกรรมและการต่างประเทศ
ตำแหน่งทางวิชาการ : อาจารย์
โทรศัพท์ :
สถานที่ทำงาน :
อาคาร 23 ภาควิชาวิศวกรรมโยธา คณะวิศวกรรมศาสตร์ศรีราชา
มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์ วิทยาเขตศรีราชา
เลขที่ 199 หมู่ 6 ถ.สุขุมวิท ต.ทุ่งสุขลา อ.ศรีราชา จ.ชลบุรี 20230
การศึกษา :
- 2019 - Doctor of Philosophy, Department of Civil Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan.
- 2014 - Master of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan.
- 2012 - Master of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand.
- 2011 - Bachelor of Engineering (CE), Department of Civil Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand.
- 2009 - Bachelor of Engineering (IE), Department of Industrial Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand.
- 2020 Yoshikawa Yamaguchi Award for an Excellent Dissertation (2020年度吉川・山口賞) from the Kyuyu Alumni Association, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology.
- Outstanding Paper Awards from Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology during 2019/8-2020/7. The paper title is “PC Tendon Damage Detection Based on Phase Space Topology Changes in Different Frequency Ranges.”
- Monbukagakusho Scholarship (MEXT) for Master and Doctoral Programs from the Government of Japan.
- Second-Class Honors in Bachelor of Engineering (Industrial Engineering).
ความเชี่ยวชาญ :
Specialized field:
Vibration-based damage detection, Phase space analysis, Structural health monitoring, Solid mechanics, Wave propagation.
Research experiences:
- PC tendon damage detection from acceleration data based on phase space analysis.
- Dynamic structural identification from long-term acceleration monitoring data using Natural Excitation Technique and Eigensystem Realization Algorithm (NExT-ERA).
- Bridge Weigh-in-Motion from bridge acceleration data.
- Evaluation of bridge material properties from acceleration monitoring data based on Bayesian inference.
งานวิจัย / งานตีพิมพ์ :
Journal Papers
- Tuttipongsawat, P., Wijeyewickrema, A. C., and Leungvichcharoen, S. (2020). “Cloaking of a Circular Cylindrical Elastic Inclusion from Antiplane Elastic Waves and Resonance Effects.” Wave motion, 94, 102491.
- Tuttipongsawat, P., Sasaki, E., Suzuki, K., Fukuda, M., Naoki K. and Hamaoka, K., (2019). “PC Tendon Damage Detection Based on Phase Space Topology Changes in Different Frequency Ranges.” Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, 17(8), 474-488. (ACT Outstanding Paper Awards during 2019/8-2020/7).
- Tuttipongsawat, P., Sasaki, E., Suzuki, K., Kuroda, T., Takase, K., Fukuda, M., Ikawa, Y. and Hamaoka, K., (2018). “PC Tendon Damage Detection Based on Change of Phase Space Topology.” Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, 16(8), 416-428.
- Rungamornrat, J., Tuttipongsawat, P., and Senjuntichai, T., (2016). “Elastic Layer Under Axisymmetric Surface Loads and Influence of Surface Stresses.” Applied Mathematical Modelling, 40(2), 1532-1553.
Conference Papers
- Tuttipongsawat, P., Sasaki, E., Suzuki, k., Kuroda, T., Takase, K., Fukuda, M., Ikawa, Y. and Hamaoka, K., 2018, “Change of Phase Space Topology Due to Tendon Damages of a Prestressed Concrete Girder.” Japan Society of Civil Engineering (JSCE), 73rd Annual Meeting, August 29-30, Hokkaido University, Japan, pp. 25-26.
- Tuttipongsawat, P. and Wijeyewickrema, A. C., 2014, “Multilayered Cloaks Based on Homogenization for Antiplane Elastic Wave Scattering.” Taiwan-Japan Symposium on Advancement of Urban Earthquake Hazard Mitigation Technology, September 15-16, National Central University, Taoyuan, Taiwan, pp. 56-59.
- Tuttipongsawat, P. and Wijeyewickrema, A. C., 2014, “Multilayered Cloaks Based on Homogenization for Antiplane Elastic Wave Scattering.” The 6th Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop, (MISW 2014), August 7-8, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 75.
- Tuttipongsawat, P., Rungamornrat, J., Senjuntichai, T., 2013, “Infinite Elastic Layer under Axisymmetric Surface Loads and Influence of Surface Stress Effects.” The 62nd National Congress of Theoretical & Applied Mechanics 2013, (62nd NCTAM), March 6-8, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan.
- Tuttipongsawat, P., Rungamornrat, J., Senjuntichai T., 2012, “Infinite Elastic Layer under Surface Loads and Influence of Surface Stresses.” The 17thNational Convention on Civil Engineering, May 9-11, Centara Hotel & Convention Centre, UdonThani, Thailand, STR059.
- Tuttipongsawat, P., Tanawiput, K., and Rungamornrat, J., 2011, “Influence of Initial Twist on Elastic Flexural Buckling Load of Columns.” The 16th National Convention on Civil Engineering, May 18-20, Pattaya, Chonburi, Thailand, STR0125.
- Suzuki, K., Kaneko, H., Sasaki, E., Tuttipongsawat, P., Kurihara, Y., Amaya, K., Hamaoka, K., Fukuda, M., Ikawa, Y., and Suyama, N., 2019, “Analytical Study on Real-Time Detection of Tendon Failure in Prestressed Concrete Beam”, 46th Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation (QNDE2019), July 14-19, Portland, USA.
- Sasaki, E., Tuttipongsawat, P., Sinsamutpadung, N., Nishida, H., Takase, K., 2018, “Development of a Remote Monitoring System with Wireless Power-Saving Sensors for Analyzing Bridge Conditions”, 6th International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering, October 28-31, Ghent, Belgium, pp. 1207-1213.
- Kaneko, H., Suzuki, K., Sasaki, E., Tuttipongsawat, P., Amaya, K., Hamaoka, K., Hara, M., Kuroda, T., Takase, K., Fukuda, M., Ikawa. Y., 2018, “Influence of Tendon Breaks on Structural Behavior of Concrete Beams”, IABMAS 2018 - 9th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, July 9-13, Australia, 1074-1081.
- Tuttipongsawat, P., Wijeyewickrema, A, and Leungvichcharoen, S., “Antiplane Elastic Wave Cloaking of a Circular Cylindrical Elastic Inclusion.” ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference (EMI 2018), May 29-Jun 01, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA, paper 1220.
- Sasaki, E., Tuttipongsawat, P., Sinsamutpadung, N., 2018, “Condition Evaluation of a Highway Bridge with RC Deck Using Monitoring Data Obtained by Wireless sensors”, 1st International Conference on Concrete and Steel Technology, Engineering & Design (CASTED2018), May 25, Philippines.
รายวิชาที่สอน :