Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing Research Group, MESSI
Head of research group, Asst.Prof.Dr. Suphattharachai Chomphan
MEchanical Systems and SIgnal processing (MESSI) is an interdisciplinary research group of Faculty of Engineering at Sriracha of Kasetsart University, in Mechanical, Electrical, Computer, and Civil Engineering with the purpose of doing research for scientific advancements of the highest quality arising from new techniques in sensing, instrumentation, signal processing, modelling and control of dynamic systems.
The former dominant works of MESSI is analyzing of the mechanical vibrations and sound signals of personal cars, motorcycles. Some specific engines; a diesel engine with Hydrogen-diesel dual fuel, LPG and NGV modified engines, are studied by some signal processing techniques for their sounds and vibrations. The engine fault analysis is also focused by using some pattern recognition techniques.