Digital Industrial Design and Manufacturing Research Unit, DIDM
Head of research unit, Asst. Prof. Dr.Nattapon Chantarapanich
Established in 2015, the objective of DIDM are to develop commercial use product and to conduct foundation research for industrial and medical sectors. The DIDM workforce is multidisciplinary, composing of medical engineer, robot & automation engineer, embedded & smart system engineer, and software & AI engineer.
Major DIDM technology includes implantable medical device design, automation system design (especially system integrator), AI for industry and medical applications. The main facilities are CAD/CAM/CAE software, High Performance Computing (HPC), CNC machines, 3DP machine. In addition, DIDM has intangible asset such as intellectual property and technology which can implement to customer as a turn-key project such as fracture fixation design, Inspection system using machine vision and AI, vehicle software management etc. Apart from R&D, DIDM also provides organizing quality system services for industry such as ISO and TIS.
DIDM is a widely accepted research unit with more than 30 customers (Industry and Healthcare sectors) have experienced well quality service from DIDM. DIDM also published more than 30 papers in international journal and international conference proceeding.