The Innovation in Infrastructure and Construction Management Research Group , IICM
Head of research group Dr.Daraporn Phusing
Objectives of the research group are
- To study the development of database management system to enhance the design efficiency of the cconstruction and management of infrastructure and transportation system.
- To study the application of Intelligent Transportation System technology for automatic monitoring and data storage to optimize the management and monitoring of operations as well as increase the safety of the transportation system.
- To study the application of geographic information system in survey, design, construction management and manage the infrastructure and transport system.
- To study the development of information technology system to enhance the design, construction management and management of infrastructure and transport system.
- To study engineering economics in the design, management, construction and management of infrastructure and transport systems.
- To study the Artificial Intelligent for Smart cities
- To study the development of automation systems in civil engineering to enhance the efficiency in the construction of infrastructure and transport systems.
- To study the response behavior of road structure. This is due to the force of the truck’s weight and external factors. Performance data and Highway Performance under conditions of use. Conditions and context of Thailand
- To study the development of green building and infrastructure (Green Building and Infrastructure)
- To study the strengthening of small and medium truck operators.